We prefer that you support local and retail stores. Please call us at 360-988-2811 so that we can connect you with a distributor or retail outlet that has the items you seek.
When you make pages 6 and 7 of Album 8183 for sale later this year, you may wish to include longer post and screws. I bought by 8183 when there were only four pages. Adding a 5th page was fine, but adding two more pages will be a challenge. Thank you.
We have never stopped entirely shipping to distributors we have simply been unable to produce at the rate and with the quantities that we would like. We ask for your continued patience as we begin to re-enter what we hope are more normal production times.
I need books 7104 and 7114 . Then 2 blank pages 1 for 50 cents, and 1 for American Eagles. I’ve looked at stores online EVERYTHING says out of stock’ Where do I go to get these please let me know.
I am looking to purchase spare pages to suit my Australian coins.
in particular 26, 29, & 32 mm hole sizes.
Can you please advise if you have an Australian distributor?
Or can I purchase direct from yourselves ?
When do you expect to print the following:
Dansco Album Kennedy Half Dollars 7166 Page #6
Dansco Album #7104 Lincoln Shield Cents 2010-Date
Dansco Album #7114 Jefferson Nickels 2006-Date
All of these albums are being produced, but at a slower rate than we would like. Please call us during our customer service hours M-TH, 10am to 2:30pm, PST so that we may further assist you.
I am interested in albums designed for the new American Silver Eagle, Type Two, Coins,
which were introduced earlier this year (2021) and will be minted for some period of time over future years. Do you plan to manufacture this album, and if so, when do you anticipate that this product will be available for purchase?
A new album to accommodate the Type 2 American Eagle Silver Dollar will be made in summer of 2022. This is an expected release date. If this changes we will update this on our website.
We are hoping to have the 6121, 6122, 6141 and 6151 in the first half of 2022. Album 7098 we have not produced in many years so we cannot be certain we will make it again/any time soon. We thank you for your patience and for choosing Dansco.
Album 7181 ends with page 4. We will be making a new album beginning with the Type II, in the fall of this year. All the pages of album 8100 should be available. Check your local retailer or any of the online websites that carry our products.
Hi Peter, due to COVID, and the flood losses we incurred since November, we are working on US only albums at this time. Perhaps once we get our regular items back in stock we may return to these Australian albums and other countries’ albums as well. Thank you for your continued patience. -Dansco
Please contact a local dealer or distributor. These are in stock so you should be able to readily find one online through various search engines. If you are still having trouble contact us during customer service hours 9:00-3:30 pm, M-Th (PST) so that we may assist you. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
Hello Robert,
Please contact us at 360-988-2811 during customer service hours 9-3:30 pm, M-TH (PST) so we may direct you. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
Hi John, thank you for your inquiry. Please contact us at 360-988-2811 so that we may direct you to find these albums. Our customer service hours are 9-4:30pm, M-Thursday. We thank you for your patience and for choosing Dansco.
Do you have any scheduled production for your 7070? I recognize all the headwinds you’ve been facing for a couple of years now 🙁 I truly hope you are all well and recovering from all your adversities.
Our requests here are trivial compared to what you’ve been forced to endure. Hopefully you can put it all behind you and return to some normalcy of your former successes.
Thank you for your kind words and grace. We are doing the best we can to get product out the door. The 7070 is not on the immediate agenda but do not lose hope. We will get it back on the market just as soon as we are able. Thank you again. -Dansco
Do you plan on incorporating the business strike ‘S’ mint National Parks quarters into the 8146 and 8147 albums?
Are you going to incorporate the business strike ‘S’ mint quarters into the Womens Quarter albums? Thanks.
Good Morning,
It is Dec 1, 2022 and I am looking for an update on some albums and Pages. Sacagawea 8183 Pages 6 &7, Presidential Dollar Album 8185 and Eisenhower Dollar 8176. Any chance for some news ?
Hello and thank you for reaching out. Page 6 of 8183 is ready and page 7 of 8183 should be ready by the end of this (week Dec 23rd). We will follow with other dollar albums (Ike, Peace, etc) in the new year. Hope this helps. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
Are pages 6 and 7 of Album 8183 going to come with longer posts and screws? Also, any thoughts on taking the old slipcover back in trade for a new 1-1/4″ one?
I spoke to a dealer about this. He recommends a 5/8″ slipcase with the 4-page album. However, if a 5th page is to be added in the future, a 3/4″ slipcase is more suitable.
When do you expect the 5th page of Album # 8141 to become available? I would like to us it for the “S” Uncirculated quarters since there is no port for these already in the album. Thank you.
Hello Mike,
We will be leaving page 2 of album 8104 blank for now. We may print one in 2025 but that depends on a few variables. We will keep everyone posted on this website. Thanks, -Dansco
I like that you are adding a page 5 to the American Women’s Quarter Album # 8141. It provides an opportunity to incorporate the silver proofs into one album.
I am interested in purchasing a quantity of four 1 1/4″ slip cases. Can you please provide an update on plans for production? May I purchase these direct from Dansco? I’ve been unable to locate these anywhere on line.
Thank you, Don
I need to purchase albums and pages for Australian coins.
Can I buy direct from you?
If not can you please advise details of an Australian distributor.
Hi Paul, we might have some in stock. Please call us at 360-988-2811 M-TH, 9:00am to 2:30 PST to check the availability of the items you require. Thank you, -Dansco
Hi Tim,
We might have some pages available but not completed books. Please call us at 360-988-2811 during our customer service hours M-TH, 9:00am to 2:30, PST so we can check our inventory and see if we have what you need. Thank you, Dansco
We have been looking for the longest time for Liberty Seated Dime album and can find them NO WHERE . Can we get one directly from you? Or can you tell me where I can find two of them ?
I’ll be waiting to hear from you. Thank you. Dan
Hi Dan,
The Liberty Seated Dime albums will be run when we run dimes. We will run dimes after quarters (currently in production), so that means sometime late summer early fall. Thank you for your patience, we will announce their availability on this website so keep posted. Thank you ,- Dansco
Thank you for producing the best coin albums on the market. Put me on the list for a #8147 album so my 90 year old father can finally complete his collection. You folks take care.
Hello Robert, We appreciate your kind words. Yes we are currently working on quarters, so 8147 should be coming up in June. We will announce its availability on this website. Thank you, -Dansco
No need to answer this question even though I fail to understand why it takes more than six weeks to respond even with “We don’t know.” Next question is about the publish date of Album #7189. I have been keeping the Reverse Proof Coins in their OGPs since 2018 waiting. Thanks
Quest I share your frustration. I’m looking forward to that also. A timely answer would be nice.
On another note, thank you for the idea for the reverse proof dollars. I hadn’t thought about using that album for them. Great idea!!
Quest thanks again! I’m not impressed by that page. I expected more from Dansco. I can’t for the life of me understand why they aren’t including the S business strike coins in their albums. It doesn’t make sense. I’m disappointed in Dansco. I wonder if they ever survey the collectors and ask what we would like for them to offer in an album?
Again, when do you expect to make Album #7189 available? Although perhaps not the original intent of this album, I still have the Reverse Proof Coins in their OGPs since 2018 waiting to put them in a proper album. Thanks
Two weeks ago you said that the lincoln albums, 7100 and 8100 would be sent out to distributors. I check daily and no one has them yet your website says that they are now available.
Please let me know what is going on
Thank You
I would like a notification if and when these albums come into stock
Can I buy direct from you
We prefer that you support local and retail stores. Please call us at 360-988-2811 so that we can connect you with a distributor or retail outlet that has the items you seek.
Interest in purchasing your 7070 type set albums
Call us at 360-988-2811, M-Thursday, 9am to 3pm. We will do our best to put you in touch with someone who has that album in stock.
When you make pages 6 and 7 of Album 8183 for sale later this year, you may wish to include longer post and screws. I bought by 8183 when there were only four pages. Adding a 5th page was fine, but adding two more pages will be a challenge. Thank you.
Thank you and yes we will have larger screw posts and larger binder size as well.
Any idea when you will start shipping albums to your distributors?
We have never stopped entirely shipping to distributors we have simply been unable to produce at the rate and with the quantities that we would like. We ask for your continued patience as we begin to re-enter what we hope are more normal production times.
Como puedo hacer para poder adquirir algunos álbumes
Nos puede llamar durante horas de operacion (Lunes a Jueves 9:00am a 2:30pm, PST) a nuestro numero 360-988-2811. Hablamos Español.
I need books 7104 and 7114 . Then 2 blank pages 1 for 50 cents, and 1 for American Eagles. I’ve looked at stores online EVERYTHING says out of stock’ Where do I go to get these please let me know.
Please contact us during customer service hours so we can help you find these products. 360-988-2811 M-Th 9:00am to 2:30pm, PST. Thank you.
I am looking to purchase spare pages to suit my Australian coins.
in particular 26, 29, & 32 mm hole sizes.
Can you please advise if you have an Australian distributor?
Or can I purchase direct from yourselves ?
Please contact us during Customer Service Hours so that we may assist you. M-Th 9:00am to 2:30pm, PST. Thank you. 360-988-2811
When do you expect to print the following:
Dansco Album Kennedy Half Dollars 7166 Page #6
Dansco Album #7104 Lincoln Shield Cents 2010-Date
Dansco Album #7114 Jefferson Nickels 2006-Date
I have trying to purchase these for over a year.
All of these albums are being produced, but at a slower rate than we would like. Please call us during our customer service hours M-TH, 10am to 2:30pm, PST so that we may further assist you.
Is any store in South Carolina able to get your albums as of this date? 9-25-2021. Thanks.
Please contact Dansco at 360-988-2811 during our customer service hours, M-TH, 10am to 2:30pm, PST so that we may assist you. Thank you.
I am interested in albums designed for the new American Silver Eagle, Type Two, Coins,
which were introduced earlier this year (2021) and will be minted for some period of time over future years. Do you plan to manufacture this album, and if so, when do you anticipate that this product will be available for purchase?
A new album to accommodate the Type 2 American Eagle Silver Dollar will be made in summer of 2022. This is an expected release date. If this changes we will update this on our website.
I am looking for Albums #7098,6121,6122,6141 and 6151. When will these be available?
We are hoping to have the 6121, 6122, 6141 and 6151 in the first half of 2022. Album 7098 we have not produced in many years so we cannot be certain we will make it again/any time soon. We thank you for your patience and for choosing Dansco.
I have the 7181 American Eagle Silver Dollar Album.
I would like to replace page 4 and add page 5..
This is for a Quantity of 5 for page 4 and 5.
I would like to purchase the following from the 8100 album pages.
8100 page 6 1974 – 1983-S Quantity 3
page 7 1984 – 1995-S Quantity 3
page 8 1996 – 2007-S Quantity 3
page 9 2008 – 2009-S Quantity 3
Album 7181 ends with page 4. We will be making a new album beginning with the Type II, in the fall of this year. All the pages of album 8100 should be available. Check your local retailer or any of the online websites that carry our products.
Hello from Australia
Just wondering if you still produce Australia threepence and sixpence deluxe Dansco coin albums.
Cheers Peter
Hi Peter, due to COVID, and the flood losses we incurred since November, we are working on US only albums at this time. Perhaps once we get our regular items back in stock we may return to these Australian albums and other countries’ albums as well. Thank you for your continued patience. -Dansco
How can I get a blank page for album 7161 American Silver Eagle?
Please contact a local dealer or distributor. These are in stock so you should be able to readily find one online through various search engines. If you are still having trouble contact us during customer service hours 9:00-3:30 pm, M-Th (PST) so that we may assist you. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
I need 2 pages, (blank) for the $1 silver eagles. How do I order these? advise please or make suggestion.
Hello Robert,
Please contact us at 360-988-2811 during customer service hours 9-3:30 pm, M-TH (PST) so we may direct you. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
Can you tell me when I can expect to be able to get. 8147,8167,8163 . I only purchase Dansco albums and I need these three
Thank you
Hi John, thank you for your inquiry. Please contact us at 360-988-2811 so that we may direct you to find these albums. Our customer service hours are 9-4:30pm, M-Thursday. We thank you for your patience and for choosing Dansco.
Do you have any scheduled production for your 7070? I recognize all the headwinds you’ve been facing for a couple of years now 🙁 I truly hope you are all well and recovering from all your adversities.
Our requests here are trivial compared to what you’ve been forced to endure. Hopefully you can put it all behind you and return to some normalcy of your former successes.
Thank you for your kind words and grace. We are doing the best we can to get product out the door. The 7070 is not on the immediate agenda but do not lose hope. We will get it back on the market just as soon as we are able. Thank you again. -Dansco
Do you plan on incorporating the business strike ‘S’ mint National Parks quarters into the 8146 and 8147 albums?
Are you going to incorporate the business strike ‘S’ mint quarters into the Womens Quarter albums? Thanks.
Good Morning,
It is Dec 1, 2022 and I am looking for an update on some albums and Pages. Sacagawea 8183 Pages 6 &7, Presidential Dollar Album 8185 and Eisenhower Dollar 8176. Any chance for some news ?
Hello and thank you for reaching out. Page 6 of 8183 is ready and page 7 of 8183 should be ready by the end of this (week Dec 23rd). We will follow with other dollar albums (Ike, Peace, etc) in the new year. Hope this helps. Thank you for choosing Dansco.
Are pages 6 and 7 of Album 8183 going to come with longer posts and screws? Also, any thoughts on taking the old slipcover back in trade for a new 1-1/4″ one?
Just following up from a previous request for your 7070. Has this album made it to your production schedule yet? Still waiting patiently.
What slipcases do you recommend for the three new Womens Quarter Albums?
I spoke to a dealer about this. He recommends a 5/8″ slipcase with the 4-page album. However, if a 5th page is to be added in the future, a 3/4″ slipcase is more suitable.
When do you expect the 5th page of Album # 8141 to become available? I would like to us it for the “S” Uncirculated quarters since there is no port for these already in the album. Thank you.
The 5th page of 8141, which is a Women’s Quarters Title page is being released next week. Thank you, -Dansco
Do you have any plans for a new page two for the 8104 album starting with the 2022 year of Lincoln cents with proofs?
Hello Mike,
We will be leaving page 2 of album 8104 blank for now. We may print one in 2025 but that depends on a few variables. We will keep everyone posted on this website. Thanks, -Dansco
I like that you are adding a page 5 to the American Women’s Quarter Album # 8141. It provides an opportunity to incorporate the silver proofs into one album.
I am interested in purchasing a quantity of four 1 1/4″ slip cases. Can you please provide an update on plans for production? May I purchase these direct from Dansco? I’ve been unable to locate these anywhere on line.
Thank you, Don
Hello Don,
1 1/4 slipcases are now available. Please call us at 360-988-2811 to help you find a local distributor. Thank you, -Dansco
I need to purchase albums and pages for Australian coins.
Can I buy direct from you?
If not can you please advise details of an Australian distributor.
Hi Paul, we might have some in stock. Please call us at 360-988-2811 M-TH, 9:00am to 2:30 PST to check the availability of the items you require. Thank you, -Dansco
I would like to purchase the 7210 & 7211 Canadian Type Albums.
Hi Tim,
We might have some pages available but not completed books. Please call us at 360-988-2811 during our customer service hours M-TH, 9:00am to 2:30, PST so we can check our inventory and see if we have what you need. Thank you, Dansco
We have been looking for the longest time for Liberty Seated Dime album and can find them NO WHERE . Can we get one directly from you? Or can you tell me where I can find two of them ?
I’ll be waiting to hear from you. Thank you. Dan
Hi Dan,
The Liberty Seated Dime albums will be run when we run dimes. We will run dimes after quarters (currently in production), so that means sometime late summer early fall. Thank you for your patience, we will announce their availability on this website so keep posted. Thank you ,- Dansco
Thank you for producing the best coin albums on the market. Put me on the list for a #8147 album so my 90 year old father can finally complete his collection. You folks take care.
Hello Robert, We appreciate your kind words. Yes we are currently working on quarters, so 8147 should be coming up in June. We will announce its availability on this website. Thank you, -Dansco
Will other quarter albums (specifically #7145) be manufactured later this year? Thanks!!
When might the Optional Title Page (essentially page #5 of Album #8141) be available?
No need to answer this question even though I fail to understand why it takes more than six weeks to respond even with “We don’t know.” Next question is about the publish date of Album #7189. I have been keeping the Reverse Proof Coins in their OGPs since 2018 waiting. Thanks
Quest I share your frustration. I’m looking forward to that also. A timely answer would be nice.
On another note, thank you for the idea for the reverse proof dollars. I hadn’t thought about using that album for them. Great idea!!
David, at least one coin supply dealer has the optional page for sale. Mine arrived a few days ago. Here is the link. https://www.wizardcoinsupply.com/dansco-extra-page-american-women-quarters. Good Luck.
Quest thanks again! I’m not impressed by that page. I expected more from Dansco. I can’t for the life of me understand why they aren’t including the S business strike coins in their albums. It doesn’t make sense. I’m disappointed in Dansco. I wonder if they ever survey the collectors and ask what we would like for them to offer in an album?
Again, when do you expect to make Album #7189 available? Although perhaps not the original intent of this album, I still have the Reverse Proof Coins in their OGPs since 2018 waiting to put them in a proper album. Thanks
Two weeks ago you said that the lincoln albums, 7100 and 8100 would be sent out to distributors. I check daily and no one has them yet your website says that they are now available.
Please let me know what is going on
Thank You
Will you be doing an upgrade of page 6 of the U.S. Presidential One Dollar album?